Get Your Air Conditioner Ready For Summer On The Sunshine Coast

Summer is coming and in Queensland that means one thing - your air conditioner is about to get a run for its money. For most of us on the Sunshine Coast, air conditioning is rarely used throughout the winter. This makes it difficult to notice any issues until it’s too late. Fortunately, there are a few ways to prepare your air conditioner so that it’s in good working condition before the first heatwave hits. 


How To Prepare Your Sunshine Coast Air Conditioning For Summer

The first steps are to simply have a good look at your air con and give it a test run. Check for any mould and take note of funky smells when it’s running. Feel the air quality and see how long it takes to start up and cool down your home. 

If anything seems amiss, your air conditioner is likely in need of a good clean, routine maintenance, or repairs. If your air conditioner is particularly old, the most affordable solution could be to install a brand-new system. 

The easiest way to tell what your air conditioner needs is to give us a call. Our qualified electricians and air conditioning technicians will perform a thorough assessment and provide you with a quote to perform any necessary maintenance or repairs. Before you call, you can always take things into your own hands and give your system a good clean to see if that solves the issue.

Why Should You Clean Your Air Conditioner?

Regardless of whether your air conditioner looks or smells unclean, regular cleaning is a must. It extends the lifespan of your air conditioner, makes it more energy efficient, enhances airflow and keeps the air in your home clean. An annual clean could also save you money in the long run by reducing energy and repair costs.

Why Should You Clean Your Air Conditioner

How To Clean Your Air Conditioner

If you would prefer to leave it to the professionals, our Sunshine Coast air conditioning experts here at Radicool Air can take care of all routine maintenance. For those who don’t mind getting their hands dirty, here’s our guide to cleaning your unit.

Safety First

Before you start cleaning either the condenser or the indoor unit, turn off the power. This can be done either at the unit itself or on the main electrical panel. This step is essential to avoid any risk of electrocution, keeping you safe while you clean.

How To Clean The Condenser

As the condenser lives outside of the home, this is where many issues can arise. Start by clearing the space around your unit. From there, consult your air conditioner manual to learn how to gently clean the condenser fins/coil. You can also remove the casing to reach any further debris inside the condenser. Reassemble your unit and reconnect the power to test it.

How To Clean The Indoor Unit

Once you have disconnected the power, consult your air conditioner manual to learn how to access the unit. Check the filter. If it’s visibly dirty, the best option is to replace it. You can clean air conditioning filters but a new one will ensure there are no tears or hidden bacteria. Open the blower compartment and clean out any dust or grime. Wipe down the surfaces. Once everything is completely clean and dry, reassemble your unit. Reconnect the power and test the performance.

If the unit is still not performing optimally, give us a call. We will fix any issue and ensure that your home stays cool all summer long.


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